O bope: unidad policial de elite creada en Rio en 1978. No son policias...los ves, son enormes, frios, armados con armas no registradas y se desplazan en coches negros. Este es su simbolo, estan al margen de la ley. Su mision? eliminar a los delicuentes y los narcos de las favelas: es una guerra.
Es la otra cara de Rio, donde se libra una batalla de guerillas entre narcos armados con AK 47 y M-16 contra este grupo de elite. No hay ley. la gente los apoya pq la policia convencional esta comprada o no quiere jugarse la vida, son para muchs el ultimo resorte q evita q el Kaos se haga con la ciudad, y sus metodos, bueno ya os podeis imaginar, digamos q no preguntan, disparan.
The Bope: Elite police unit created in Rio in 1978. They are not common policemen... when you see them, they are enormous, icemen, armed with unregistered weapons and they move in black cars. Their logo is the picture u see above, they are out of the law. Its mission? to eliminate or erase thiefs and dealers living into favelas: it is a war. It is the other face of Rio, where a battle gets rid of guerillas between dealers armed with 47 AK and M-16 against this group of elite. People supports them cuz the conventional police is gambled and corrupted, they are for muchs the last line of defense who avoids Kaos takes control of the city, and its metodhs well, I guess u know....they do not ask, they shoot.